Sunday 6 December 2009

Advent time

Happy Advent to everybody!
This song is my dedication to everybody for Advent time:
Two angels
Translation: Mairita Elbrete
Text editor: Gabrielle Crick
Two angles sit
At a gable window and sing
And throw down presents
For everyone passing by.
But no one hears their song
And no one sees them,

And the angles laugh –
How can joy be
Something unwanted!

Listen! Maybe we have to fly away -
Too much is given to everyone here.
Listen! An orphan is crying somewhere;
And calling for happiness to return

Two angles sit
At a gable window and sing
Wishing good luck
To all the passers- by.


  1. Nice words Mairita
    unfortunately there is a lot of truth inside them, sometimes we are not able to appreciate the joy we have.

  2. I also like this song, therefore I tried to translate it. Thanks to Gabrielle for editing.
